How to Reduce Your Energy Bill in the Winter
Just about everyone in Pennsylvania dreads winter time. Whether you’ve got gas, electric, oil or some other form of heating, the constant effort to keep warm and comfortable costs money. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep those bills down. Here are some solid tips to reduce your energy bill and keep your Pennsylvania utility costs down this winter, as well as how ServiceWhale can help.
Reduce Your Energy Bill
Obviously, the best way to reduce your energy bill is to reduce your energy consumption and increase the efficiency of your heating and cooling system. This doesn’t need to be complicated in any way. Simply making adjustments to energy use habits can make all the difference in the world. Always remember, just a tiny alteration in your energy habits can make all the difference in your Pennsylvania utility bills.
Crank It Down
Nobody wants to hear, “Turn down the thermostat.” The whole idea, after all, is to stay warm, right? But take some time to consider this—you will probably not notice a two-degree difference in heat throughout your home. When the utility bill comes, however, it can make a big difference in what you pay out every month.
Low-Flow Shower
Try installing an energy-efficient and low-flow showerhead. Low-flow heads use less water and require less heat to get the water warm. There are even add-ons to increase the apparent pressure from a lower flow head. A ServiceWhale professional can help you with any needed renovations to your bathroom.
Heating the Heater
Make sure that your Pennsylvania home’s water heater tank is properly and securely insulated, and keep the thermostat on it set around 145 degrees Fahrenheit. This should be somewhere between the warm end of normal and the low end of medium. Again, the difference is likely only around two degrees from what you’re used to, and you’ll never spot it while showering.
Change the Filter
Swap out your PA furnace filter on a regular basis. Too many people forget to do this, or put it off. It takes just a minute to do and will vastly improve your heating system’s efficiency overall. Your filter should be changed out at least every three months; changing it every other month improves efficiency even more, and there’s no need to spend tons of money on filters—they’re mostly made of fiberglass anyway.
Professional Examination
Have a heating and home professional take a look over your house. They might be able to spot areas where your insulation could be better and cracks can be sealed, and suggest other options for improving your home to keep the heat in and the cold out.
If you need the best in local home improvement specialists, the professionals at ServiceWhale are here to provide a fast, easy and top-notch job for you. Give us a call for more information today.
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