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Prepping for the Price and Stress of a Laminate Floor Installation

Flooring projects are some of the most involved, important home improvement tasks that there are, and if you’re planning for a laminate installation, there are a few things that you can do to make your job as easy as possible. Without the right preparation, your laminate installation can become more stressful and complicated than you deserve. On the other hand, if you prepare, installing your laminate flooring will be an absolute breeze.

With the right tools and information, prepping for a laminate installation is easier than you might think. Learn more about preparing to install laminate flooring and get some tips for making your floor installation project as easy as you deserve.

Knowing Your Costs

Possibly the most important part of preparing for a laminate flooring installation is to be aware of all the costs. Laminate flooring installation costs, while low, still comprise a number of different areas you should familiarize yourself with.

For starters, there is the cost of materials, which can range from $91 to $179 for enough laminate to cover 120 square feet. There is also the price of installing removing carpets ($4.20 to $123), removing and installing padding ($4.20 to $123) and the installation of the laminate itself ($217.80 to $363). However, this is only the price for 120 square feet. If you want to install laminate throughout your house, then the costs will be a great deal higher. Here is a calculator to easy the mathematics.

If you want to avoid costly surprises, it’s a good idea to make sure you know for sure how much your laminate installation will cost.

Buy Laminate for the Job

If you’ve ever heard the saying “measure twice, cut once” then you probably understand how important it is to understand the scope of your job before you being. Prior to starting your laminate floor installation, you need to be certain that you have enough laminate to complete your entire project.

Almost nothing is more frustrating than getting near the end of your flooring installation only to find out that you’ve run out of laminate. A good way to avoid this possibility is to purchase more laminate than you think you need. Purchasing the right amount of laminate before you start installation will prevent disruptions to your project and big headaches down the line. Price ranges from $0.6 to $3.5 the final cost will be determined by the manufacturer and finish/pattern of the laminate.

Get Your Tools Ready

For homeowners who may not be that experienced in the realm of laminate flooring installations, a factor they might not consider at the start of their project is the necessity for specialized tools necessary to get the job done. If you don’t have the right tools, your laminate installation will be more difficult than it needs to be, which makes gathering your tools a priority for a successful project.

Before your laminate flooring installation can begin, you should make sure to acquire tools like an utility knife, protective goggles/gloves, plastic sheeting and the right adhesive for holding your laminate flooring in place. Having the right tools at your disposal will allow you to quickly and effectively complete your laminate flooring installation.

Install Your Subfloor

To get the most utility and longevity out of your laminate flooring, you need to make sure that your home has the right type of subfloor installed. Generally speaking, laminate flooring will be installed over either a plywood or concrete subflooring in order to give your laminate an extra layer of protection. If there is no suitable subfloor in your home, you will need to install one before your laminate flooring project can begin.

Many homeowners are unprepared for the difficulties associated with installing a subflooring, so it’s better to partner with an expert flooring contractor for this portion of your project. Once you’re subfloor is complete, you can finally install your laminate flooring.

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Choose Laminate Flooring for a Great Look

While it’s certainly a complex project, adding laminate flooring to your home is one of the most worthwhile projects that you can choose, especially when you prepare properly. Getting ready for your laminate flooring installation will make your project rewarding, stress-free and successful, the way it should be.


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