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Tips for Maintaining Your New Bathroom

Trying to keep your brand new bathroom clean is one of those infuriating tasks that will drive even the messiest homeowner insane. There’s just something about neat and sparkling bathrooms that demands a little dirtying up, and if you ignore your bathroom upkeep for too long, it’ll turn into a legitimate hygienic nightmare before long. Fortunately, maintaining a clean bathroom is actually not that difficult, and if you’re looking for tips on how to clean a bathroom, ServiceWhale has got you covered.

No longer will you have to stress unnecessarily about hard to clean surfaces or mold and mildew. These tips can help you to get that standard clean bathroom you’ve always wanted. Keep in mind, however, that these are only general tips you can use weekly to touch up your bathroom. For more advanced or thorough services, you’ll want to contact a ServiceWhale professional.


Use Hot Water

This should be a no-brainer, but what we at ServiceWhale mean exactly is using hot water to clean all of your surfaces. This includes the bottom of tubs and over floor and shower tiles. By using the hottest available tap water at your disposal, you are in effect raising the effectiveness of normal bathroom cleaners later in the process, so always start with very hot water.


Vacuum and Dust Regularly

If you look close enough at your floor, odds are you’re going to see a good many small hairs and dust collected. When it comes to new bathrooms, this is simply unavoidable, though that doesn’t mean you have to live in it! ServiceWhale recommends that you try going over your bathroom about once a week with a vacuum and duster to clean up all those hairs, and brush away the dust that can also collect on lighting fixtures and in the nooks and crannies of the space.


Use Liquid Soap and Keep the Cabinets Tidy

This tip is all about appearances. First, pay attention to people’s soap dishes, and you’ll notice that they tend to get pretty messy, pretty fast. Especially when you keep the soap dish right by the sink, the soapy buildup and grime makes the whole bathroom look bad. By opting for liquid soap instead, you’re just making things easier for yourself. Same goes for your cabinets and larger sink space as well. Keep items in order and out of sight, and your bathroom will look ten times cleaner.


Don’t Forget the Shower Curtain

Your shower curtain tends to be the culprit of most mold and mildew attacks. As a result, you’ll want to keep an eye on your shower curtain. Specifically, ServiceWhale would recommend spraying it down with bleach-containing all-purpose cleaner about once a week and rinsing it off in the shower water. A small move like this will save you valuable time later.

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Hire a Professional

Figuring out how to clean a bathroom never has to be difficult again. However, while following these tips will help you to reclaim a clean bathroom, it still might be a good idea to have a trained ServiceWhale cleaning contractor take a look at the space. At the very least, we can provide alternative cleaning options that you may want to consider, so please reach out today!


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