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Why You Should Care about Grout for Your Bathroom Remodel

There are a lot of things you have to consider when you start to work on your Pennsylvania bathroom remodel. While you’re thinking about tiling, flooring, paint and fixtures, it can be easy to overlook important details…like choosing the right grout. Grout is the foundation of your bathroom remodel, and getting it right makes all the difference. Learn why the grout you choose makes a big difference in your Pennsylvania bathroom remodel, as well as some tips about getting the job done right.

Grout and the Pennsylvania Bathroom Remodel

Grout, essentially, is the cement that you use to fill the joints of tiles when you lay the flooring or walls in your Pennsylvania bathroom remodel. It’s the last step in your tiling job, and it makes the tile shine bright with beauty. Getting it right can be very tricky, especially if you don’t make the right choices. Your ServiceWhale technician can advise you on all the best options available. The two most common forms of grout are sanded floor grout and wall grout.

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Wall Grout

Wall grout, many people don’t realize, is often colored cement which comes in a fine powder that includes dried acrylic and helps it to adhere to the ceramic tile you place on the walls in your PA bathroom. It should be used on tiles that are an eighth-inch thick or less.

Floor Grout

Floor tile is adhered with larger joints than wall tile, in general. The tile is also usually much thicker than that you use on walls or ceilings. In fact, floor tile can be almost a half inch thick in some cases. Since wall grout shrinks as it dries, it is not ideal for placing floor tiles. Rather, you should use a sanded floor grout on your Pennsylvania bathroom floor.

This kind of grout is wall grout that is combined with fine particles of sand. This silica-based material helps to increase the durability of the grout so that it can stand up to the heavy wear and tear that floors suffer on a daily basis. It also helps to reduce the shrinkage as the grout dries, meaning you won’t have to worry about the floor changing shape or size.

Mixing and Consistency

It is vital that your grout is the right mix and consistency in order for it to hold up. Grout that is too dry will be hard to apply and may cure before your job is done. Grout that is too wet may not adhere properly, and the job can fail as time passes. In general, you want the grout to be easy to spread and workable, but it should not be runny or viscous.

Grouting jobs can be tricky for the beginner. This is why it can be a good idea to bring in a qualified ServiceWhale technician to advise and handle the job. If you’re looking at a bathroom remodel, check out how easy our service is, and get in touch with us to get started today!


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